Archiv für Januar, 2014

Dr.Tim QSL for Evil Elvis, USA

Montag, Januar 20th, 2014

 Thanks for your Report „Elvis“, I received much, much reports and it is now a hard Job with confirming all Reports!! hahahaha


Dr.Tim - Weihnachts QSL 2011-1

Dr.Tim QSL for Chris Lobdell

Sonntag, Januar 19th, 2014

Hi Chris, thanks for your report on HFU, i received much reports from the USA!! Here my QSL card and I hope it is the „after Christmas gift“.

Greets from Dr.tim………

Dr.Tim - Weihnachts QSL 2011-2

Blueman QSL

Samstag, Januar 18th, 2014

Thanks to Blueman Radio for this nice „blue“ card. The station confirmed his reports with lot of different Motives. Thanks to the operator Mr.Blueman.

Blueman Radio2

QSL card from Unknown Radio

Freitag, Januar 17th, 2014

Empfangsbestätigung der noch nicht lange existierenden Station UNKNOW RADIO. Danke nach Japan für die Bereitstellung der QSL für die Dr. Tim Seite.

QSL Unknown Pirate1

SSTV Jinglebells

Donnerstag, Januar 16th, 2014

Danke an Klaus Fuchs der das SSTV Signal von RADIO JINGLE BELLS am 25.12.201 auf der 6211 KHZ aufzeichnete, entschlüsselte und der Redaktion zumailte.



FRSH eQSL 27.10.2013

Mittwoch, Januar 15th, 2014

QSL Verification from FRSH – thanks to the german „Sluwe Vos“, alias Klaus Fuchs for sending his QSL for the Dr.Tim HP.

FRSH eQSL 27.10.20131


Pirate Radio Boston

Dienstag, Januar 14th, 2014
Greetings Dr. Tim!

Thank you very much for your report which was correct. An eQSL is attached.I remember hearing Radio Dr. Tim with relays by NAPRS [North American Pirate Relay Service] in 1994!

Best wishes to your lovely Annie!

Charlie Loudenboomer

Pirate Radio Boston

Dr.Tim QSL & audio to and from Spain

Montag, Januar 13th, 2014

Many thanks to Martín Estévez Pastor from Spain for his very nice and detailed Reception Report incl. a audiofile. Here is the QSL card for Martin and also his audio clip. Click on the QSL and the clip plays.

Dr.Tim - Weihnachts QSL 2013-4

R.Doctor Tim – 15.12.2013 – 6266 KHZ – 14.00 UTC heard from Martín Estévez Pastor in Spain


All Christmas Greetings 2013 with one click!

Sonntag, Januar 12th, 2014

With one click you can find here your  Christmasgreetings 2013 again .

Click, check in and find lot of season greetings from all continents…….

All X-mas Greetings 2013

100 % Telstar Radio

Samstag, Januar 11th, 2014

Neben 3 mir noch fehlenden und angefragten Piratensongs mailte mir Telstar Radio innerhalb von nur ein paar Minuten auch dieses „Logo“ zu. Musik und Service – eben 100% Telstar Radio! Danke nach Holland.
