Archiv für Dezember, 2016

QSL Melkbus 1625kHz NL sorry: received in 9 days!!!

Montag, Dezember 5th, 2016
I WROTE TO and received by post in 9 days from their post adres: De Finne 32, 9036 KK MENAAM=MENALDUM NL (JGa) sorry now it s complet

Pirate Melkbus Radio , 1625kHz, received QSL-card (scan 1 & 2) & 2 stickers of their pirate team on fm(=Krystteam scan 3) by post, after my email report sent to (JGa)
Afbeelding (427)
Afbeelding (428)
Afbeelding (429)

Summermeeting 2014 QSL’s for Silvero

Montag, Dezember 5th, 2016

Dear Frans, congratulations for the organization. I was watching the webcamera, hahaha. I was trying to greet you via pirates chat, too. Also I was watching the photos by Dr Tim, and a video by Black Arrow… looking great all pirates together with a beer. hahaha

I have 2 report for your statistic, friday and saturday. Not sure about the qsl results… hahahaha take a look,


Hello dear Silveri, very very late you receive our  QSL’s from the great Borderhunter Summermeeting Party 2014 today!! Frans send me all reports short time ago with the request to answer them! He has no time and is fully in stress! So I do it now for him. I hope you like our QSL’s a bit………

Greets from Dr.Tim………

Summermeeting 2014 - QSL-2

Summermeeting 2014 - QSL-4

QSL Kaart Kennemerradio Shortwave 6290kHz

Sonntag, Dezember 4th, 2016

Kennemerradio, 6290 kHz & 6305kHz (but 6305 couldnt be received by me sorry), received e-QSL in 5 hours for email report sent to (JGa)

Nieuw zwart wit kr1

QSL Kennemer radio 1 KR1

e-QSL & music fragment Goofy Shortwave

Samstag, Dezember 3rd, 2016

Goofy Radio, 6207kHz, received e-QSL and music fragment in 4 months for my report sent to (JGa)

Goofy 873 Music Goofy

QSL Radio Vallee Vezere- Terrasson -France

Freitag, Dezember 2nd, 2016
Local FM Radio France heard on livestream in ASSEN NL Radio Vallee Vezere, received my self prepared QSL (postcard Hasselt NL) in 14 days from postal adress: 4, rue rastignac, F-24120 TERRASSON-LAVILLEDIEU , FRANCE (JGa) 
Afbeelding (536)
Afbeelding (537)

Christmas Countdown

Donnerstag, Dezember 1st, 2016

Heidi for Gino in Italy

Donnerstag, Dezember 1st, 2016

Thanks Gino for your Reports and mp4 clips!!! Greets from Alm Uncle and Heidi….

QSL Radio Heidi-1

QSL Radio Heidi-3