Archiv für Juni, 2018

Reception Report Radio Doctor Tim Sunday 25 December 2016

Sonntag, Juni 10th, 2018

Many thanks Dmitry………

e-QSL Radio Ohne Namen 6070 kHz 01.12.2016

Samstag, Juni 9th, 2018

Germany – Radio Ohne Namen 6070 khz. Received e-QSL in about 10 hours for email report sent to: (JGa)

RR – 17.12-2016 – 6285 kHz

Freitag, Juni 8th, 2018

The reception was of bad to medium quality.   (SINFO 2-3534/2-3). I will send as Annex a recording your shipment. Please send me your eQSL, (or your station eMail letter) with acknowledgment of reception of your station.

I wish you many, many listeners,  55,73 and good DX. have a nice weekend,  georg.
Many thanks Georg for your first report to Radio Illegal. I hope you like us QSL card (1 of 6 cards with different Motives). Please write us again when you hear us again…, Greets……

Audio reception report from Ukraine

Freitag, Juni 8th, 2018
Here is audio reception report from Ihor Karivets in L’viv, Ukraine. I heard Radio BZN via Twente SDR 11th December 2016, on 6285.4 kHz, 11.35 – 11.50 UTC. Please find audio clip in attachment. Please confirm my reception report by eQSL card. Thank you in advance! Hope to hear you soon again! My warmest regards from Ukraine, Ihor Karivet#
mannnnnnnnny thanks Ihor for your (I think) first (audio) report to Radio BZN!!!

Reception 3930 from Malmö

Donnerstag, Juni 7th, 2018

Hi, My name is Lars Jeppesen and I live in Malmö, Sweden and are listening on a Kiwi SDR just outside the city (Vellinge). Here is a recording on the signal on 3930 at 2124 UTC on december 4, 2016. Some interference on QRG. LHU. Thanks Lars from Radio Southsea Melody


Reception Report Radio Lesbos Saturday 3 December 2016

Mittwoch, Juni 6th, 2018
Good evening! Hello from Saratov, Russia!It is my first reception report for Radio Lesbos. Technical details in the file of the official report (txt format) and on video. Unfortunately I can’t listen to your signal at my place.

I listened to your program via the remote receiver in the Netherlands.
It is a lot of noise at a frequency and the strong fadings.Thanks for music!
I hope that my official report will be useful to you. I hope for your answernd receiving a QSL card. Many Thanks dear Dmitry

Empfangsbericht an RADIO SOUTHSEA MELODY – Dezember 2016

Dienstag, Juni 5th, 2018

many  thanks for good SINPO. RSM works on this day with gigantic 20 W hiskys…

BZN Radio report from Italy

Montag, Juni 4th, 2018

Thanks Gino, This Is The First Christmas QSL In 2016 From Radio BZN. Congratulations. Thanks also for your extrem long and good audiofile!!! You Are The Best!

Reception report from Italy

Sonntag, Juni 3rd, 2018

Dear Sir, I am very happy to report that I listened Halloween Radio the 01/11/2016 at 20:00 UTC on 3935 Khz. The signal was S7/8 in the receiver with light qsb and some qrm, SINPO 34333.At 20:05 utc we receive a sstv but not able to have a good decode. Attached an audio file of the transmission. Thank you and good luck, Denis

Empfangsbericht an RADIO LESBOS – Dezember 2016

Samstag, Juni 2nd, 2018


Sehr geehrter RADIO LESBOS Macher! Hiermit sende ich Ihnen erneut einen Empfangsbericht über Ihre Sendung vom heutigen Tag, dem 3. Dezember 2016. Ob es eine e-QSL-Karte gibt? Das wäre super! Danke vielmals im voraus! DJ Platon says thanks again………